Of course, I was scheduled to perform in Indiana in another day or so, to be followed by a trip to Washington D.C. to perform a solo concert of my own works. The D.C. concert was presented by the Library of Congress, at the National Museum of Natural History's Baird Auditorium. With the help of some Indiana University faculty, I found Don Garvin, a scientific glass blower on campus, who graciously came to my rescue. After a couple of days labor, I was off performing on a new quartz flute, without missing a single gig.
Please check out this video feature (above) by Producer Jason Pear of The Weekly Special, about the exceptional Don Garvin, and a bit about my quartz flute. Between markers 2:45 and 4:00 (min:sec), Jason added a bit of my quartz flute music in the background as well. Thank you Jason, and thank you Don!